The Center for Visual Arts and Education CVAB is a cultural institution deeply rooted in the German and Chinese Art and Design scene. It is dedicated to promoting contemporary art, design and intercultural exchange both in Europe and Asia. CVAB organizes a diverse cultural, artistic and educational program, aimed at supporting artists, students and an international audience interested in the visual arts, history and culture of these continents. CVAB's headquarters are located in Berlin, a city that for years has now experienced an artistic and cultural boom unlike any other in Europe and provides the center with a multitude of opportunities to enrich its program and fulfill its mission.
As an experienced curator and manager of exhibition spaces, CVAB develops individual solutions for established artists wishing to showcase their work in Germany, China, Korea, Taiwan or Japan. Besides playing it's own gallery space in Berlin's borough Zehlendorf, the center's staff has organized a wide range of art exhibitions in major institutions like the "Universität der Künste", Freie Universität Berlin and the Chinese Embassy in Berlin, the Museum Folkwang in Essen, he China Academy of Art in Hangzhou and the University of Ljubljana, OCT art & design Gallery (Shenzhen), the Tap Seac Gallery (Macau). We also support international artists interested in Berlin as a production site and habitat by organizing residencies and lending our expertise and professional network.
Building on more than three decades of teaching experience and an extensive industry network, CVAB is also dedicated to provide students, post-graduates and young professionals with a diverse program for train -ing and development. CVAB's travel and education program is aimed at providing tomorrow's creative leaders with the necessary skill set to face professional challenges of increasing complexity and change on an international level. CVAB advises and trains international students to gain access into the european university network and offers short-term courses and workshops with highly renowned european lecturers, like for example in its long-standing Design Summer School.
For a wider international audience CVAB offers highly curated culture and art travel programs, elevating vacation experiences to meaningful study and cultural visits. CVAB's travel programs are always developed and accompanied by academics with a university degree relevant to the theme of the tour.
Exhibition & Residency We organize and promote exhibitions by interna -tional artists and we assist in the organization of art residencies in Berl -in. Education We offer international students short, non-degree study visits, bringing them together with renowned lecturers and giving them an opportunity to familiarize with the German university landsc-ape. Travel We develop and organize high-quality travel programs for interna -tional visitors with an interest in visual art and design. Advisory We advise collectors of contemporary art with an interest in the East Asian art market.
Prof. Dr. Jianping He - Executive & Program Director Besides his acade -mic work, Jianping is founder and executive director of the Center for Visual Arts Berlin. As the program director he is also heading the Center 's artistic and conceptual program.